Languages and Literature, University of Nottingham
Thesis title:
Paper at the Modernism in the Home conference (University of Birmingham, 1-2 July 1019). Panel chair.
Paper title: Absent Presences: The Morphinomane at Home in French Visual Culture (1880-c.1916)
Paper at Alcohol and Drugs History Society conference, 'Changing Minds: Societies, States, the Sciences and Psychoactive Substances in History' (University of Shanghai, 13-16 June 2019)
Paper title: The Significance of the Image: Morphinomanie in French Visual Culture (1880-c.1916)
Paper at Women?s Spaces, Pleasure, and Desire in the Belle ?poque (St. Hilda's, University of Oxford, 3-4th June 2019)
Paper title: The Dangers of Desire: The Morphinomane in French Art (1880-c.1916)
Research relay at the M3C annual research festival (23rd May 2019)
Talk title: Diagnosing Habitual Morphine Use in French Visual Culture (1880-c.1916)
Paper at the Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Science (University of Virginia, 14th-16th March 2019)
Paper title: Medicalisation and Popularisation: The morphinomane in French art (1880-c.1916)
Paper at the Modern and Contemporary Forum (University of Birmingham, 6th March 2019)
Paper title: A Medical Absent Presence: Images of Morphine Use in Fin-de-Si?cle French Visual Culture
Creative competition entry on display at the Dr Jekyll?s Laboratory: Science and Medicine in the Nineteenth Centuryexhibition at The Atkinson Southport (February - May 2019)
Work title: How to paint a morphine addict for the French fin-de-si?cle annual Salon
Guest post for Points, blog for the Alcohol and Drugs History Society (January 2019)
Post title: ?How to Paint a Morphine Addict?: Notes from the ?Substance Use and Abuse in the Long 19th Century? Conference
First prize winner for creative entry at the Substance Use and Abuse conference (Edge Hill University, 13-14 September 2018)
Work title: How to paint a morphine addict for the French fin-de-si?cle annual Salon
University of Birmingham Research Poster Conference (University of Birmingham, 13 June 2018)
Poster title: The Morphine Addict in French Visual Culture, 1880-1916
Awarded an average score of 18.5/20
Paper at the AAH Summer Symposium 'Re/Presenting the Body: Between Art and Science' (University of Glasgow, July 2017)
Paper title: The Body of the Fin-de-Si?cle Morphine Addict
Poster presentation at the M3C Research Festival (University of Leicester, May 2017)
Poster title: The Morphine Addict in Fin-de-Si?cle French Visual Culture
This is a new paragraph typed in.
Plus a second.
Teaching Debates and Methods seminars (History of Art Department) (2018-2019)
Attendance at the PRINCE2 project management training course (8-10 May 2019)
Co-organiser of the first annual Languages, Cultures, Art History and Music (LCAHM) conference at the University of Birmingham (14 May 2019)
Co-organiser for the CDF bid: Blended Learning Professional Development Workshop (April 2019), with follow-up talk at the Teaching and Learning Conference 2019, University of Nottingham. Collaboration talk at the Teaching and Learning Conference 2019 (University of Nottingham, 3rd May 2019)
Successful application to attend the Royal Literary Fund Writing Retreat at Shepherd's Dene (17th - 22nd February)
Attended short course at University of Oxford (November 2018)
Contemporary Scientific Realism and the Challenge from the History of Science
Contribution to the Lapworth Museum of Geology temporary exhibition
Cleaning objects, organising space, writing & editing exhibition caption
Teaching Debates and Methods seminars (History of Art Department) (2017-2018)
As part of the Haywood Fellowship award
Holding seminars for sixth form students at the department's Applicant Visit Days
Organising and administrating the History of Art research seminars series (2017-2018), with international speakers
As part of the Haywood Fellowship award
Organising and administrating research workshops for the History of Art department to share research with each other (2017-2018)
As part of the Haywood Fellowship award
Teaching Historical Concepts seminars (History of Art Department) (2016-2017)
Academic Writing Advisory Service Postgraduate Workshop Leader (2016-2017)
Assistant Editor for the Journal of Art Historiography (2015-2016)
Research Volunteer on Joseph Wright at Derby Museums and Art Gallery (2015)
Haywood Fellowship (2017-2018)
College of Arts and Law Masters Scholarship (2015-2016)
Birmingham Alumni Award (2015-2016)
Winner of Contribution to Department award (2015)
Nominated for the university's 300,000th graduate award (2015)